Name validation & distinctive title

Select legal form:
You can now use the names and distinctive titles you selected in a company establishment case you will create

Company name

The company name should include one of the following options
The name in Latin characters is automatically generated according to the ELOT 743 standard and should include one of the following options
It is mandatory that the company name must contain the verbal SOCIETE ANONYME in full lettering or the acronym S.A. The company name must contain the verbals 'SINGLE-MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME' or 'SINGLE-MEMBER S.A.'in full lettering. The name of a private company (IKE) is formed either from the name of one or more partners or from the object of its activity or from other verbal indications. The name of the company may consist wholly or partly of Latin characters. Since the company is a single member, the company name must necessarily include the words SINGLE-MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANY or SINGLE-MEMBER P.C. The name of a private company (IKE) is formed either from the name of one or more partners or from the object of its activity or from other verbal indications. The name of the company may consist wholly or partly of Latin characters. The company name must necessarily include the words PRIVATE COMPANY or P.C.. The name of the LLC (EPE) is formed either from the name of one or more partners or from the object of its activity or from other verbal indications. The name of the company may consist wholly or partly of Latin characters. Since the company is a single member, the name must necessarily include the words SINGLE-MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY or SINGLE-MEMBER L.L.C. The name of the LLC (EPE) is formed either from the name of one or more partners or from the object of its activity or from other verbal indications. The name of the company may consist wholly or partly of Latin characters. The name must necessarily include the words LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY or L.L.C.. The name of the GP company is formed from the names of the partners and/or the object of its activity and/or other verbal indications. The name must necessarily include the words 'GENERAL PARTNERSHIP' or G.P.. The name of the LP company is formed from the names of the partners and/or the object of its activity and/or other verbal indications. On the contrary, the name(s) of the limited partner(s) is/are prohibited to form the company name or to be included in it, in order to avoid creating false impressions in transactions concerning the liability of the partner whose name will appear in the company name. The name must necessarily contain the words LIMITED PARTNERSHIP or L.P.
For international transactions of the company, the name will be rendered in a faithful translation or in Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as SOCIETE ANONYME or S.A. For international transactions of the company, the name will be formed in a faithful translation or in Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as SINGLE MEMBER SOCIETE ANONYME or SINGLE MEMBER S.A. For its international transactions the company may have its company name formed from Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as SINGLE MEMBER PRIVATE COMPANY or SINGLE MEMBER P.C. For its international transactions the company may have its company name formed from Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as PRIVATE COMPANY or P.C. For its international transactions the company may have its company name formed from Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as SINGLE MEMBER LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY or SINGLE MEMBER L.L.C. or SINGLE MEMBER LTD. For its international transactions the company may have its company name formed from Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY or L.L.C. or LTD. For its international transactions the company may have its name in Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as GENERAL PARTNERSHIP or G.P. For its international transactions the company may have a name in Latin characters and the legal form must be expressed as LIMITED PARTNERSHIP or L.P.
  • {{legalDecl.message}}
Insert the Name Purchase code
The Name Purchase code you inserted is not valid
The Name Purchase code you inserted is valid
The company name should include one of the following options
The name in Latin characters is automatically generated according to the ELOT 743 standard and should include one of the following options

Distinctive Title

The distinctive title should include one of the following options
The distinctive title in Latin characters is automatically generated according to the ELOT 743 standard and should include one of the following options
The distinctive title may be formed from both Greek and Latin characters.
The Distinctive Title in Latin characters is automatically generated according to the ELOT 743 standard
  • {{legalDecl.message}}
Insert the Name Purchase code
The Name Purchase code you inserted is not valid
The Name Purchase code you inserted is valid

The distinctive title should include one of the following options
The distinctive title in Latin characters is automatically generated according to the ELOT 743 standard and should include one of the following options

Δεν βρέθηκαν επιχειρήσεις με παρεμφερείς επωνυμίες / διακριτικούς τίτλους
Companies with similar names / distinctive titles (up to 50 companies are shown) The validation for complete coincidence has been deactivated due to a document you submitted earlier
General Commercial Registry (GEMI) Number Name/Name in latin characters/name in latin characters/name in latin characters Address
{{row.gemi_number}} {{row.co_name}} | {{row.co_name_latin}} | {{row.co_title}} | {{row.co_title_latin}} Complete coincidence! A validation by the G.C.R. (GEMI) Office is required Homonymous Terms Coincidence {{row.address}} Corresponds to the business with VAT number {{row.afm}} ({{row.corporate_status_descr}})